Thursday, October 24, 2019

Solution to the October acrostic

"Allen's attitude toward sex always managed to raise my Puritan hackles, and I suspect he knew it. Deep in my heart I still yearned for a monogamous relationship with Neal, but if it wasn't possible, perhaps this arrangement held possibilities hitherto unknown in conventional patterns."

Carolyn Cassady, Off The Road

A. Canterbury tales
B. A nod's as good as a wink
C. Rapid
D. Oil paint
E. Le Corbusier
F. Yellow peril
G. Natty Bumppo
H. Campanile
I. Alain
J. Saint Stephen
K. Swelter
L. At the hop
M. Dealt
N. You wish
O. Orpington
P. Foxhunting
Q. Fahrenheit
R. Taskmaster
S. Heaviside
T. Estaminet
U. Run with it
V. Own kisses sin
W. Amnestied
X. Disenthrallment

In the quote, "Allen" is of course the beat poet Allen Ginsberg, who had a loose homosexual relationship with Carolyn Cassady's famous husband Neal. Her title, "Off The Road", is a contrast to Jack Kerouac's classic "On The Road".

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Acrostic for October

This slightly racy quote is from a woman reluctantly but bravely coping with her famous husband's bisexuality, somewhat rolling the eyes in a wifely way, I think.