Thursday, December 2, 2021

Acrostic for December

Solution to the November acrostic

I get dressed for the occasion, which means a T-shirt over jeans. I am a nineteen-year-old long hair, and this is my look. I call a cab, jump in and am extraordinarily pleased to be able to utter the immortal line, "Abbey Road, please, driver."

Phil Collins, Not Dead Yet

A. Partick Thistle
B. Hammersmith palais
C. Informed
D. Laramie
E. Carmania
F. Oireachtas
G. Learning
H. Lavabo
I. Injury
J. Naxos
K. Seaweed
L. Neolith
M. Oblomov
N. Tree beetle
O. Desdichado
P. Endocytosis
Q. All the gin joints....
R. Depardieu
S. Yarner
T. Errand boy
U. Tablet

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Acrostic for November

Solution for October acrostic

"Following the political tumult and excitement of the first successful lunar landings, the White House and NASA dramatically changed the direction of the entire space program under the excuse of a lack of public interest and insufficient funding."

Richard Hoagland Dark Mission

A. Rugger
B. Incorrect
C. Cupped
D. Hellhole
E. Acceded
F. Ratlin
G. Duffle
H. Hexadecimal
I. Obit
J. Aroint
K. Gerry Soffen
L. Lustful
M. Aching
N. Nuffield
O. Diffidence
P. Downscale
Q. Atticum
R. Rosh Hashanah
S. Kitten paws
T. Mounting
U. Institute
V. Space station
W. Staunch
X. Illuminate
Y. Often
Z. Netsex

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

Solution for September acrostic

"He found himself baffled by the mechanics of opening his apartment door. There was a key in his hand, and a lock on the door, and he understood in an abstract way that these two things fit together, but he couldn't figure out how to make it work, and this was how he knew he was delirious."

Emily Mandel, The Glass Hotel

A. Ed Wood
B. Metairie
C. Isaac Newton
D. Lost dog
E. Yenta
F. Mawkish
G. Anywhere but here
H. Nut hunt
I. Dew-fresh
J. End times
K. Lookout
L. That which...
M. Howie Hawkins
N. Estate plan
O. Grandfathered in
P. Loud soft
Q. Abba songs
R. South bank
S. Swedish chef
T. Hood ornament
U. Office party
V. Through thick and thin
W. Effed
X. Lothario

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Acrostic for September


Solution for August acrostic

"When they were lying there afterward, she said "That was pretty intense wasnt it." He told her he always found it pretty intense. "But I mean practically romantic," said Marianne. I think I was starting to have feelings for you at one point. "You just have to repress all that stuff," he said. That's what I do."

Sally Rooney, Normal People

A. Safety first
B. Atticus Finch
C. Lady Godiva
D. Latter day saint
E. Youth hostel
F. Runways
G. Out with it!
H. On The Waterfront
I. Never eat lunch in this town again
J. e-Swatini
K. Yom Hashoah
L. Nightjar
M. One-handed
N. Ratepayer
O. Midwest
P. Arts et Métiers
Q. Lip bites
R. Preakness
S. Enthuse at
T. Off white
U. Pleasant
V. Lewdly
W. Either part

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Acrostic for August

Solution to July acrostic

 In the late nineteen sixties a beautiful graduate student in archaeology was found murdered, bludgeoned to death. The rumor was she'd been having an affair with her Harvard professor. It started on the dig they were on together in Iran, and when they got back she wouldn't give it up.

[Becky] Cooper— We keep the Dead Close

A. Curds and whey
B. Omentum
C. Out with it
D. Philostrate
E. Euthanasia
F. Ruffian
G. Witwatersrand
H. Evonne Goolagong
I. Kent Heitholt
J. Endured
K. Everywhere
L. Phishing
M. Thoreau
N. Hard drive
O. Exhausted
P. Dithering
Q. End of the bed
R. Are belong to us
S. Different
T. Cantina
U. Latter Day Saints
V. Oh Be
W. Swaged
X. Ear tube

Monday, July 5, 2021

Acrostic for July

Solution for June acrostic

"The last thirty minutes of my flight, in retrospect, were a dicey time. At the time I didnt see it that way. First, I was trained to avoid any active intellectual comprehension of disaster. Dwelling on a potential danger, or imagining what might happen. I was also too busy with the tasks at hand."

[Scott] Carpenter, For Spacious Skies

A. Cottingley
B  A matter of trust
C. Rhadamantine
D. Pitter patter
E. Eighteen wheels
F. Not without my...
G. Trash bin
H. Eastwood
I. Raving mad
J. Fast times
K. On with the motley
L. Raisa
M. Snow White
N. Paddling pool
O. Asia
P  Chastity
Q. Indignity
R. One lane
S. Up tight
T. Sweet tea
U. Sacrifice fly
V. Karman line
W. Idiotic
X. Edited
Y. Slavish

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Acrostic for June

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Solution to May acrostic

"You're going to stand here, on the side of the road. And we're going to get in our truck, slam the pedal to the floor, and accelerate toward you. If you stay there you'll die a quick death. If you run, we drive to your house and kill your children."

Phil Klay, Missionaries

A. Ponicherry
B. Hot weaher
C. Ivy League
D. Loud hailer
E. Key hook
F. Languedoc
G. Although we...
H. Youthful
I. Mornington Crescent
J. Ideated
K. Sequoia tree
L. Statute of Frauds
M. If you like
N. Outwardly
O. Nodule
P. Adder
Q. Roto-rooter
R. Ignored
S. Earthy
T. Syndication

Friday, April 23, 2021

Acrostic for May


solution to Spring acrsotic

 "When they were lying there afterward, she said That was pretty intense wasnt it. He told her he always found it pretty intense. But I mean practically romantic, said Marianne. I think I was starting to have feelings for you at one point. You just have to repress all that stuff, Marianne, he said. That's what I do."

Sally Rooney, Normal People

A. Safety first
B. Atticus Finch
C. Lady Godiva
D. Latter day saint
E. Youth hostel
F. Runways
G. Out with it
H. On the waterfront
I. Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again
J. E-Swatini
K. Yom Hashoah
L. Nightjar
M. One-handed
N. Ratepayer
O. Midwest
P. Arts et Metiers
Q. Lip bites
R. Preakness
S. Enthuse at
T. Off white
U. Pleasant
V. Lewdly
W. Either part

Monday, March 22, 2021

Spring acrostic

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Solution to the January acrostic

"Even this mornings stroll was a borrowed Steve Jobsian tic. Go for a walk with a co-worker or competitor, coax what you want out of him. Donny was an avid student of tech stardom. Oh, hed just pretended he stalked Amy for some free breakfast, but sure as the sun doth shine he was picking her brain for something."

Helen Schulman Come With Me

A. Hand jive
B. Extrawurst
C. Logarithm
D. Earthworks
E. No bottom
F. Saw palmetto
G. Cow corner
H. Handlebar gears
I. Understood
J. Lesch-Nyhan
K. May the force be with you
L. Arthur's seat
M. Nikki Van Dijk
N. Covers
O. Out of office message
P. Masterwork
Q. Endorphins
R. Watusi
S, Into the Woods
T. The wages of sin is death
U. Habbot
V. Muffin top 
W. Endorsed

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Acrostic for January

Solution to the solstice acrostic

 The Booker Prize was from 2020. A delightful book, full of Glasgow dialect.

« The tears were running down her face and pooling on her apron. "But I love ye," she said. Shug pulled the taxi in a sharp arc and parked in a dark corner of the empty car park. He glanced at his watch and then met her eyes again. "Aye, well, take yer knickers off then. I've only got five minutes." »

Douglas Stuart, Shuggie Bain

A. Dick Tracy
B. Omphalocele
C. Underneath
D. Gender neutral
E. Lycanthropy
F. Askance
G. Stark Draper
H. Skew-whiff
I. The Egg And I
J. Up to date
K. Anna Neagle
L. Refinish
M. Telomere
N. Shio
O. Huevos rancheros
P. Uneven
Q. Granny knot
R. Grade three
S. If he...
T. Erstwhile
U. Back in the day
V. Anti-vax
W. Impedes
X. Now, fair Hippolyta...